What’s New

3/2/21 I’ve added several more videos on free will, a couple more on Proverbs, and two on Robin Collins’ contemporary design argument for God.

12/5/20 I’ve added several videos on logic and free will over the past several weeks.  Also, I started a new page on the Proverbs in the Lessons for Life section of the site.  FYI, I now have 8 videos with over 1,000 views and 8 others with more than 500 views – not that I’m counting :-).  Of course, I think it takes 10 million views to be considered viral these days, so I guess that is not going to happen!

10/24/20 I’ve been working more extensively on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/c/GordonPettit, where you can see all my videos.  I’ve added a sub-page in Metaphysics “getting into the meat of things,” which includes several videos on objectivity and modality.

8/5/20 I ended up with 7 parts on Plato’s Republic, now available.

7/7/20  I’ve added several Aristotle videos on his Ethics and Metaphysics, and am starting on Plato’s Republic, with plans for 6 parts.

5/28/20 What are the most watched videos – those with more than 1,000 views?
1) “Abortion is Immoral” with more than 2,100 views (most at my old Youtube channel)
2) “Kant vs. Mill” with more than 2,000 views (most at my old Youtube channel)
3) “Kant’s Ethics Part 2 – Criticisms” (deleted from old Youtube channel, but has more than 1K at new channel)
Runners Up Nearing 1,000: “Introduction to Moral Relativism and Moral Subjectivism” and “Normative vs. Descriptive”

5/26/20 I have added several more philosophy of religion and ethics videos.

4/25/20 I have added new sections on epistemology and philosophy of mind, along with more on philosophy of religion.

3/31/20 With the Covid-19 stay at home order, I am making more videos than my typical pace.  Most of these are in the Philosophy of Religion section, especially on the topics of faith and rationality, religious diversity, and God and morality.

2/25/20: I’ve added several videos in the Logic and Critical thinking page and the Philosophy of Religion page.

12/20/19 I’ve added two new videos along with others in a new sub-page under Philosophy of Religion: Contemporary Design Argument (CDA) and Criticisms and Responses to the CDA.

12/16/19  There are a few more videos on controlled experiments, causation, causal fallacies, probability, and applying principles of probability in the Logic & critical reasoning section.

12/2/19 I’ve added several more videos on logic & reasoning, including types of inductive arguments.  I hope to continue to add there this month.

11/13/19 The semester has been quite busy! Just posted some medical and legal information related to abortion on the Contemporary Moral Issues page, and the significance of ambiguity and vagueness on the Logic and Critical Thinking page.

10/2/19 Posted: David Hume’s criticism of the teleological argument. Coming soon: additions to the logic and reasoning page

9/26/19 William Paley’s teleological argument for the existence of God just posted

9/25/19: Since getting the computer back up and organized, I posted the videos on moral relativism, added an introduction to philosophy of religion, and added a short video on realism and anti-realism regarding religion.  Coming soon: an overview of William Paley’s teleological argument for the existence of God.

9/5/19: Recently re-imaged my computer and lost a couple videos on moral relativism (still have the unedited files in the cloud though).  Hopefully, I’ll get them restored and back up soon.

8/24/19: Aristotle’s Ethics Part 2 (on virtue) is now available on the Intro to Ethics page.  Kant’s Ethics is coming soon.

August 22, 2019: New this week: Relativism and objectivism part 2 (under Dr. Pettit’s Philosophy page).  Coming soon: Part 2 of Aristotle’s Ethics, and maybe a more objective presentation on relativism and objectivism (pun intended).

August 15, 2019: Relativism and Objectivistm Part 1 is now posted on the Dr. Pettit’s Philosophy page and Aristotle’s Ethics Part 1 is up on the Introduction to Ethics page.

August 6, 2019: Fall classes start soon!  Mill’s ethics parts 1 & 2 is now available on the Introduction to Ethics page.  I am also posting several videos in the Contemporary Moral Issues section on topics such as physician assisted suicide, the use of torture, the morality of abortion, drug legalization, and the moral considerations for allowing financial compensation for organ donors.